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  • Hello. Press HERE to continue

    Hello Do you have a Question about your Order? Do you need to Find and Book a Transfer? Do you need to get an Answer to your Question? Feel free to ask us any way you find convenient. ...

  • I can't sign into my Account.

    To access your account, first you have to know what type of account you want to access. To access Client's Account of, follow this link to log in If ...

  • Transfer by shuttle bus

    Transfer by shuttle bus is a group type of transfer, which means there are other passengers on board of the vehicle. The shuttle size depends directly on the number of passengers and can vary from min...

  • I didn't receive my voucher

    If you haven't received your voucher, check the SPAM folder. You can (re)send the voucher to your email address from the order page in your account as many times as you'd like. To do that, enter the M...

  • Individual transfer

    Individual transfer - meeting the customer at specific time and specific address and individual delivery to indicated address on the vehicle of your choice.         Individual transfer - convenient ty...

  • What to choose? Private transfer or a shuttle?

    What to choose? Private transfer or a shuttle? Visually and clearly Choose the transfer more suitable for you! Please, be advised, that following the instrucrion of your voucher you should confirm the...

  • What documents confirming payment will i have?

    After your order's payment and receiving confirmation from carrier-company you will get the voucher with the price of transfer in it. The voucher will be available in your Personal Account, and it wil...

  • What should I specify in the field "Arrival / Departure Time"?

    For Arrival time:  You should indicate the time of arrival from your flight ticket and a representative of a carrier company will wait for you for a Maximum waiting time at the arrival point after lan...

  • What should I specify in in the field "airport of departure"?

    For a transfer from the Airport you should indicate Airport of departure of the flight and flight number. In other words from which airport does your flight arrive (and its' number). For a transfer to...

  • What is the warranty that transfer will be provided?

    After confirming the order, you receive a voucher where you can find the transport company's contact details. You can call their number if you want to check. These details are also available in your a...