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  • Hoe kan ik mijn boeking annuleren ?

    Annulering van de overboekingsopdrachten kan op elk moment rechtstreeks online in uw persoonlijke account worden gedaan, vóór de eerste datum van de bestelde overboeking. Annuleren met restitutie is m...

  • How to cancel my booking?

    Cancellation of the Transfer can be made online in the Personal Account anytime, before the first date of the booked transfer. If you need to change your date, time, or contact phone number, flight de...

  • We are travelling with child. Under which conditions is private transfer provided?

    There should be a child seat for the children 2 years and older specified in the order. Infant's transportation is included in the price of the transfer. Parents can hold their infants on their hands ...

  • We are travelling with child. Under which conditions is shuttle transfer provided?

    Children younger than 3 travel for free (under codition that they are seating on adult's knees and not on a front seat). Children older than 3 are counted as adult passangers, take dedicated seat, spe...

  • Wat gebeurt er als mijn uitgaande vlucht vertraagd of geannuleerd is?

    Als uw vertrek/aankomst van het schip vertraagd of geannuleerd is en er minder dan 24 uur zijn voor de datum en tijd van de transfer, neem dan contact op met het transportbedrijf via de telefoonnummer...

  • Betaling en levering

    U kunt betalen met Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, PayPal, PayPal Business, Ideal en elke uitgevende bank. Voor reisbureaus is het mogelijk om te betalen uit het partnersaldo (na autorisatie als agent) of ...

  • Can you help me with a transfer from/to airport?

    Yes, we can! Option 1 - try yourself here How to find and book a transfer? Option 2-Book a transfer Right now Option 3-Send us a request for Specify the date, time of arrival, num...

  • Why should i book a transfer here?

    Five reasons to buy a transfer here: Reliable. You will be met. Transfered in time! Just read the comments. Large choice from limousine to bus. Not risky, like with unknown taxi! English & Russian spe...

  • What happens when I make a reservation?

    Once you have completed your transfer booking, the data is sent to the transport company that provides passenger transportation services in the destination country. The transport company verifies the ...

  • What is the difference between a booster and child seat?

    Booster is an additional seat cushion, which allows to use standard seat belts for children. Child seat - special seat for children, which is installed in the vehicle and secured by safety belts. ...