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Cancelation and Refund

Cancelation of the Transfer can be made directly by on-line mode in the Personal Account anytime, before the first date of the booked transfer.

  • I can't cancel the transfer in my Personal Account. How to be?

    According to the User Agreement, the client himself / herself cancels the order in the Personal Account at any time before the date of the first (or only) transfer segment.There is no payment for canc...

  • How to cancel my booking?

    Cancellation of online booked transfer. Yes, it is possible! Cancellation of the Transfer can be made only by online mode in the Personal Account [] anytime, bef...

  • Cancellation and Refund

    Refund for a canceled order. 1. Cancellation Policy.   For each order, according to the chosen fare the carrier companies set their own time limit of free-of-charge cancellation and of refund of the...